102 OUR RESORTS THE ART OF BEAUTIFUL BEACHCOMBER GOLF RESORT & SPA PARADIS “There are places that soften the border between reality and imagination. La Ravanne restaurant is one of these. Is it a mirage? The wooden deck on the lagoon, the lapping of the water and the myriad stars. The white tablecloths and candles on the tables. The refined gestures, the beautiful multicultural dishes - curry, rougaille, biryani - and dhal puri, little tender and light split pea flatbreads. In the distance, two musicians match the beat of the “ravanne” drums to the beat of my heart.Where does such gentleness, such tranquillity, such goodness come from? This secluded spot reflects the very soul of Mauritius - a country where the world’s magic plays on.” F From the resort’s long beach, you contemplate the Morne Brabant Mountain high above you, where slaves took refuge in the 19th century. Sometimes passing musicians settle at its foot at sunset where they match the beating of our hearts with their percussions and sing the story of their ancestors, which has, with the passing of time, become that of all Mauritians. The southwest of the island is particularly marked by this fervour. And the inhabitants, like the Artisans of the Paradis Beachcomber resort, are proud to share it with you. So come along, follow the guide: to the top of the mountain refuge, and perhaps it will tell you its secrets. Down in the Black River Gorges, home to the vestiges of an endemic forest which once covered the untamed island. All species of the island’s flora and fauna are to be found here. The Chamarel waterfall or the unique Rochester falls are natural reserves for the brilliant white tropicbirds. Set off for one of the villages of huts that line the wild coastline, where you will always find a house to offer you a bite of coconut or a sip of lemonade. Meanwhile, all the Beachcomber teams are preparing for your return. All you need to do is choose between a round of golf – tee off is right outside your door! – and a hammam, a massage or a last swim in the sea in the setting sun. You also choose between the magnificent buffet and one of the gourmet restaurants. At this precise moment, there is no doubt that legend is blending with the truth: as Mark Twain is supposed to have said when he came to the island, “ Mauritius was made first and thenHeaven, andHeavenwas co- pied after Mauritius. ” Without a doubt, the original is here.