104 OUR RESORTS THE ART OF BEAUTIFUL BEACHCOMBER GOLF RESORT & SPA DINAROBIN “Just before daybreak, before the light lifts the colours and shadows, nature offers a breath-taking sight. At the foot of the Morne Brabant, a few metres from my bungalow, lies the lagoon, still and patient, like a slate-grey eye. It takes you body and soul. The Arab sailors who first set eyes the island must have done so at the white hour of dawn. And they named it Dina Arobi: the silver island.” N Neighbour of the Paradis Beachcomber, the Dinarobin Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa shares with its elder brother not only a splendid golf course but also all the treasures nature has to offer: the coast of the Morne Brabant peninsula, the bald and mysterious mountain of the “maroons”, outlined by a strip of sand so white it looks like icing sugar. Dispersed in a 20-hectare garden, the bun- galows, apartments and villas are spread out around attractive slate swimming pools, where the cautious shadows of birds flit to and fro. Each space in the park has its secret. Here the tecoma with its large leaves and the plumage of the cardinals which veers towards purple as summer draws nigh. There the giant mango tree which shades the hottest hours. Further on, beds of tradescantia, luminescent under the sun’s rays, mark out the entrance to your villa. The décor has colonial accents with the wood frames and floorboards, the ochre façades and the sugarcane stalks covering the roofs. The frangipani and Indian almond trees diffuse a subtle perfume that blends with the strands of water in the cascade of pools. But it admits defeat and accepts it must dissolve – like you! – in the lagoon. The sea breeze beckons you to come and swim. And when you get out of the water, its softness envelops you like a silk mantle. At theDinarobin Beachcomber, the IndianOcean is always ready to steel the limelight from the 18-hole golf course or the ultra-sophisticated sports facilities. Big-game fishing, kite-surfing, deep-seadivingamongthecoralsandthedolphins, a triparoundCrystal Rock…Eternity is not enough.