Beachcomber Magazine 02

theline.Andthelinemasteredhim: “ Right from the start, i became addic- ted to the feeling i had when walking on the line: an impression of total appea- sement from being fully rooted in the moment. to reach that sensation each time, i needed something more difficult, i needed a longer line to conquer. ”NathanPaulin’saimisaesthetic.“ it’s not the length of the line that counts, but the poetry of the discovery. ”Theline bringshimindescribablesensations andherejectstheobsessivecraving forrecords.“ When i balance on a line way up high, my sensations and emo- tions increase tenfold. i experience fear, doubt, and also intense joy. ” TOGETHER WE CONQUER Healwaysusesthefirstpersonplural. “ We don’t knowwhat will happen next. it’s the combination of excitement and fear that spurs us on. i say ‘we’ because ‘highliners’ are never alone. there is no one ‘world’s best’, and there never will be. there’s simply ‘one man walking out in front’ thanks to a whole team. eight excellent technicians, all animated by mutual trust, are behind me all the way. ” Tostretchlinesnoonewouldhave dreamedoftenyearsago,dronesnow playanessentialpartastheycanpull anyloncable,whichinitsturnwillpull the120kilosofline.Themostdifficult thinginthisworldoflightnessisthe weightyadministration!Towalkthrough theskiesaboveNavacelleswithonly birdsforcompany,ittookweeksof wranglingwiththepowersthatbeand heevenhadtogototheAirMinistry ofDefenseandtheFrenchAirForce, asthelinewasaseriousobstaclefor fighterplanes.InReunionisland,hisvery finelinecouldbefatalforhelicopters– whichneverflythere.Tightropewalking takesonanewmeaning,whenit’s betweentwopilesoffolders… the SDD (Sangle Dessus Dessous) Slackline team at the East River Canyon: (left to right) Nathan Paulin, Guillaume Rolland, Guillaume Barrande, quentin Sixdeniers, Clément Fabre, Antony Newton, Mimi Guesdon. “ Although I’m alone on the line, we always install our transitory bridges together. On the line we have a safety harness. the most dangerous part is installing the line .” L’équipe de sdd slackline (sangle dessus dessous) au Cassé de la Rivière de l'est : (de gauche à droite) Nathan Paulin, Guillaume Rolland, Guillaume Barrande, Quentin sixdeniers, Clément fabre, Antony Newton, Mimi Guesdon. « Bien que seul sur la sangle, c’est toujours à plusieurs que nous partons installer nos ponts éphémères. Sur la sangle nous sommes sécurisés par un harnais. Le plus périlleux, c’est l’installation de la ligne. »  REUNION ISLAND THE ART OF DISCOVERY 56