Beachcomber Magazine 02

“It’s NOt ONLy sKILLs, But whOLe LIves thAt ARe uPLIfted.” « ce ne sOnt Pas seuLement des savOiR-FaiRe mais des vies entièRes Qui sOnt vaLORisées. » feel no love, you can’t make pottery. it’s a difficult job. it’s dirty. it’s stressful. But i still come to the studio, even on my birthday. ”Notfarfromhereisthesewingwork- shop,ledbyNicole,whousedtobea sewingmachineoperatorinanembroi- deryfactory.Herfriendvanidaalso workedthereasanaccountant.When thefactorycloseddown,theycame totheworkshop.“ We work as much, if not more, but we get much more satisfaction. We talk a lot together, and we laugh, too. it’s good for the morale. ifwehaven’t finished theorders, wework at home, with the family. it’s a real job. ” “ it’s not only skills, but whole lives that are uplifted. there’s the money they can earn from their business. and there are other values atwork too: self-confidence, self-esteem, courtesy, respect for others and therefore for oneself ,”saysviren. Left: Brinda in the wood and coco workshop, at Bambous. Right: Recycled paper beads, to create exotic jewelry… tina, vimala, Soonita and Anja meet everyday at the sewing workshop, at Phoenix. Gauche : Brinda dans l’atelier bois et coco à Bambous. droite : du papier recyclé en perles pour créer des bijoux insolites… tina, vimala, soonita et Anja se retrouvent chaque jour dans l’atelier couture, à Phoenix. 