Beachcomber Magazine 04

T his coast that first sawmen land in 1510 - and with them, the disappearance of the precious woods and of the dodo - has much of beauty to offer with its evocatively named villages such as Poudre d’Or, Trou d’Eau Douce, Deux Frères, Quatre Sœurs, Bois des Amourettes, Poste en Flacq, Ville Noire... (Gold Dust, Freshwater Well, Two Brothers, Four Sisters, Lovers’ Wood, Black Town etc.) THE GHOSTS OF THE COAST Poudre d’Or (Gold Dust). The name is never more fitting than at sunrise! The first rays of sunlight bounce off the rocks on the headland where a memorial to the St Géran shipwreck inspired the writer Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. The harbour comes to  ROAD TRIP BEAUTIFUL MAURITIUS 20 RochesNoires Troud’EauDouce PointeduDiable BeauChamp VilleNoire PORT-LOUIS Mahébourg