Beachcomber Magazine 04

PAINTING THE ART OF ART 70 to find her true self, to reach the peak of subjectivity to have a chance of attaining a form of objectivity, of universality – where people can recognise a hidden part of themselves. AN ATTEMPT AT EXHAUSTING As well as being a visual artist, Alix is a video artist. She projects on to the palimpsest wall of the studio her latest “ attempt to elaborate a landscape ”. You follow the brush as the strokes bring out the shapes, give life, annihilate the line, then return to the attack. The shapes disappear, then once again attempt a breakthrough before being buried under the glaze. Powerless, we watch the combat, with intermittent bursts and transient victories. A few waves rise up here and there as if without warning, and, in a grand finale, the white sweeps it all away. Might this short film contain a Manifesto of creation according to Alix, forming a passageway from darkness and ignorance to clarity and light? Let us hope so.  “WHAT INTERESTS ME IS WHAT REMAINS OF THE LANDSCAPE IN MY MEMORY. WHAT I REMEMBER OF IT.” « CE QUI M’INTÉRESSE, C’EST CE QUI RESTE DU PAYSAGE DANS MA MÉMOIRE. CE DONT JE ME SOUVIENS. » In her Wind Series the idea is to liberate movement, to lose control. “ I feel vulnerable and then I realise that it is in fact a strength. ” Dans la Série du Vent , il s’agit de libérer le geste, de perdre le contrôle. « Je me sens vulnérable et je découvre alors que c’est une force. » 