Beachcomber Magazine 09

FULL STEAM AHEAD The first thing she did was to bring in new plant species and seeds from the Beachcomber hotel gardens in the north, which are run by Diane Koenig (Head of Gardens). A sophisticated watering system designed by Sylvain Mussard, was put in place, creating an exceptional microclimate for the young shoots that will be planted out in the wetland in Les Salines. “I’m focusing on the landscaping of the Harmonie hotel complex, in particular the rehabilitation of the wetland, originally designed by biologist Pierre Baissac. Our aim is to reproduce an identical microbiome and enrich the wetlands by planting a watering hole for migratory birds, moorhens, mangrove herons, ruddy turnstones, etc.” As for the aesthetic BEACHCOMBER ARTISANS THE ART OF BEAUTIFUL 96 design, Mélissa studied the sites carefully before setting out the guidelines. “It’s the plants that have to adapt to the geography and not the other way round.” These are her golden rules for planting: “Go for large trees rather than lots of small ones. Prefer odd numbers (more poetic and less ’square’) and large scale. Be aware of movement, shapes, sizes, and make sure nature is always welcoming to those who live in it.” Mélissa and her team of nine gardeners including the Manager, Gérard Constant, 53, who has been there from the start (and now has an office in the middle of the greenhouse!), are hard at work. “We have worked long and hard on the organisation. Now we can really develop our activity,” says Mélissa with a huge smile.   Les Salines à Rivière Noire, au sud-ouest de l’île. C’est une terre recueillie face à la montagne du Morne Brabant et traversée d’arcs-en-ciel. Là, derrière une rangée d’eucalyptus funambules, s’étendent sept arpents de plants et végétaux, dont de précieux endémiques qui requièrent un temps long. Dans cette région aride et sèche, la pépinière constitue un îlot de fraîcheur. On ne peut être que séduit par la minutie de l’organisation, l’alignement des pousses et la délicatesse des gammes de couleurs – camaïeux de vert, bleu, gris, mauve et « rose Sunrise ». Désormais, libre à chacun de s’y rendre. Si 60 % de la production sont réservés aux jardins des resorts de Beachcomber et à d’autres projets comme la