Beachcomber Magazine 07

VIBES MÉTISSÉES She’s a slip of a woman radiating light, with clear, sparkling eyes, who sings of the ethnic diversity of her life and her country. Her flourishing career began with the accents of the language of Shakespeare, before finding a more tropical sonority and the Mauritian Kreol musicality. Please meet… AnneGa! C’est un petit brin de femme et de lumière, aux yeux clairs pétillants, qui chante le métissage de sa vie et de son pays. Sa carrière, en plein essor, a démarré avec les accents de la langue de Shakespeare, avant que ne s’y ajoutent une signature sonore plus tropicale et la musicalité du kreol mauricien. Please meet… AnneGa ! BY MICHEL GILBERT DEVILLE PHOTOGRAPHS KARL AHNEE Fresh. Colourful. Dreamy. Full of positive vibes.” That is how AnneGa describes her musical world. A world whose Big Bang exploded as soon as she opened her eyes. Brought up with the English music her parents (fans of the British pop scene) listened to, the little Anne-Gaëlle Bourquin grew up, entered singing competitions, completed her education in political science, and found a job in an insurance company, all the while writing songs in her free time. One year later, in 2019, at the age of 23, she quit everything to devote herself to music. LIVE YOUR PASSION That year she released her first single, Remember Me, as a reminder to herself to stay close to her passion. The song, written in English, stood out on the Mauritian music scene for its sound, the choice of language, and the quality of the video clip, which brought it to the attention of local audiences and the Mauritian diaspora. This musical signature, inspired by UK pop with a subtle hint of tropical spice, has remained a constant in AnneGa’s music to this day. The talent of the musicians who accompany her and sometimes inspire her, the island colour brought to her songs by an Italian-Australian arranger, the support of her manager Cédric Cartier – composer and head of the Mauritian Kabann Record label –, as well as occasional partnerships with local singer-song writers, have contributed to the success of her career. TAKING ON THE WORLD The year 2021 saw the release of her eponymous album, with many of the songs written in English. But Kreol, the melodic language of her island, has found its place in a few numbers. An extremely pleasant, albeit difficult, experience for someone who admits she thinks in English and who has always written in that language, in spite of her Creole identity. AnneGa shares these spirited vibes of different cultures live with the young people of Mauritius, and sometimes with the international audiences in Beachcomber Resorts on the island. That is until she can work in a different dimension, in front of an audience in another country. Listening to her reminiscing about a Coldplay concert at the Stade de France, you can see the beginnings of the sparkle of a new challenge in her eyes. “ REMEMBER ME, AS A REMINDER TO HERSELF. REMEMBER ME, COMME UNE ADRESSE À ELLEMÊME. AnneGa VIBES OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY